Tailored to Perfection: The Essence of Specialty Contact Lens Fitting

Dr. Valeria Rubinstein’s commitment to advancing patient care reaches new heights with the introduction of Specialty Contact Lens Fittings. This service is designed to cater to individuals with unique visual needs, ensuring that contact lenses not only correct vision but also provide unparalleled comfort.

What Sets Specialty Contact Lens Fittings Apart?

Personalized Assessment: Dr. Rubinstein conducts a thorough assessment of your ocular health and visual requirements. This allows for the identification of specific visual challenges and ensures a tailored approach.

Diverse Lens Options: Whether you have astigmatism, presbyopia, or other specialized vision needs, Dr. Rubinstein provides access to a wide array of specialty contact lenses, including toric lenses, multifocal lenses, and more.

Optimal Comfort: The fitting process is not just about vision correction; it’s about achieving optimal comfort. Dr. Rubinstein prioritizes the selection of lenses that not only enhance your vision but also ensure a comfortable wearing experience.

Who Can Benefit from Specialty Contact Lens Fittings?

Astigmatism: Individuals with astigmatism can benefit from toric lenses, which correct both astigmatism and nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Presbyopia: If you’re experiencing difficulty seeing up close due to aging, multifocal contact lenses may be the ideal solution for clear vision at various distances.

Keratoconus and Irregular Corneas: Those with conditions like keratoconus or irregular corneas require specialized lenses for precise correction and improved visual acuity.

How to Experience the Difference:

If you’ve been seeking contact lenses that align with your unique visual needs, Dr. Valeria Rubinstein invites you to experience the precision and comfort of Specialty Contact Lens Fittings. Schedule a consultation today to embark on a journey towards clear, comfortable vision.

Contact Us:

For appointments in New York City or inquiries, contact our office at 212-242-2200. Dr. Rubinstein looks forward to providing you with exceptional eye care tailored to your individual needs.